Friday 16 September 2016

Auditions Notes

First Performance

Lewis - 
It isn't clear you understand fully what you're saying.
"She loves me/not" - Say each line differently
Watch your pronunciation e.g. THink, THeatre.
Lack of movement
You need to change your tone of voice throughout. Each line is a new thought.

Charlie -
Diction needs to improve
Who are you speaking to?
What is the context of the piece?
What are you saying?
I'm not convinced you fully understand the piece.

Clearly well prepared
Repetitive arm movements
Movements are unclear - move with purpose
Throwing away funny lines

Clear understanding of the piece and the context
You need to work on eye contact with the audience
Vary your tone of voice throughout
You need to hook the audience from the first line.

Strong understanding of the context
Don't throw away the joke lines
Work on tone of voice
Movement of arms and feet awkward. You are moving like yourself, not the character.

You're playing it with anger rather than a sulky attitude
More childish movements
More boastful

Second Performance

Much better energy
Work on making the movement less clumsy and more measured
Don't laugh when the audience does
Less shouting

Good eye contact
Less drawn out words - Change the pace
Use pauses effectively
Needs an energy injection

Good eye contact
Wait before you say your first line - hook us early
Movement needs to be more purposeful
Change tone throughout

Work on movement in arms and feet
Vary your tone in the middle of the piece.
Good tone at the beginning and the end.

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